Our School
Glen Cairn Public School is a positive and caring learning community where we stand by our commitment to both equity and excellence. We actively seek partnerships with area high schools, universities and community groups so our students may enjoy a rich variety of learning experiences tailored to meet their unique needs. To further enhance these experiences, our students participate in many community outreach programs including the Terry Fox Walk for cancer research, “Do it for Daron” youth mental health initiatives, and canned food drives for the Kanata Food Cupboard.
Glen Cairn Public School is located in the heart of Kanata South. The Glen Cairn Community Centre is attached to our school and we share the gymnasium, washrooms, and a community centre with kitchen facilities. Community and recreation groups rent the “upper hall”, the activity room and the gymnasium for day and/or evening activities. The Glen Cairn Cooperative Nursery School operates out of the community centre.
The Glen Cairn Tennis courts, an outdoor pool and a skating arena are located within a short walk of the school and are used as part of the physical education program. The Hazeldean Branch of the Ottawa Public Library is located just down the path from the school where our students have heard from published authors on what it takes to write a book.
Our school logo is the phoenix, emphasizing our commitment to continual innovation in learning and teaching, as well as our belief that “we can do better when we all work together”. In Greek mythology, the Phoenix is a bird that rises from the ashes in a cyclical pattern of renewal. Also interesting to note is that there is no plural for Phoenix. There exists only one Phoenix at any given moment. At Glen Cairn Public School, when we all work together, we develop the capacity and inner strength to meet challenges and rise above them in our pursuit of excellence.
Our Students
Glen Cairn PS is situated in the centre of the vibrant, suburban community of Glen Cairn, allowing many of our students to walk to school. We appreciate the diversity of our 375 students in grades 7 and 8 who come from many different backgrounds and represent over 17 languages. We recognize that each individual in our learning community brings unique gifts to enrich the learning of all. We offer numerous sports and clubs to enhance opportunities for our students to be active and to explore interests.
Our Staff
There is 1 Principal, .50 Vice Principal, 21 Teachers, 5 Educational Assistants, 1 full time Office Administrator, a .50 Office Assistant, 1 Chief Custodian, two evening Custodians and .50 Library Technician who make learning a rewarding experience in a safe, clean environment. Our staff of committed professionals engage in inquiry-driven life-long learning. As a staff, we hold many specialized qualifications including FSL (French as a Second Language), Physical Education, Music, Visual Arts, Mathematics, Special Education, Reading, Guidance and Computers in the Classroom. Each member of our staff is dedicated to working with all children in the school to support them in developing their academic and social skills. To this end, guidance appropriate to development age is provided to all students. Parents and visitors recognize and appreciate the caring shown by the staff, which is inherent in a community school such as Glen Cairn.
Parents and Community
GCPS is located in the heart of Kanata South and is the home school for families living in Glen Cairn, Bridlewood / Emerald Meadows communities with children in grades 7 and 8. Our commitment to equity and excellence is supported through the work of our caring School Council and parent volunteers. On any given day, you will witness members of our community helping in the classroom, organizing weekly pizza days and various fundraising activities. They exemplify the school motto “We can do better when we all work together”. Students also benefit from the involvement of co-op students and student teachers. Many of our students attend A.Y. Jackson Secondary School after they leave GCPS, others attend Sir Guy Carleton, Bell HS, Canterbury, and Merivale.
Mission Statement
We are committed to equity and excellence in all facets of learning. We provide a safe, integrated learning environment for all students. We foster 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity and resilience. We recognize that all members of our learning community bring unique strengths that enrich the overall learning experience for our students.
Facilities and Resources
Our Learning Commons is a place that students access to support their learning through research and collaboration stations. Our Learning Commons houses our Library materials, STEAM resources including a 3D printer.
Each classroom is equipped with Chromebooks and a built in projector, and have access to iPads when needed. Students are welcome to bring their our Chromebook/Laptops for use to support or enhance their learning. Cell phones are not permitted to be used in the classroom, school, or yard during school hours.
To promote outdoor activity, Glen Cairn is fortunate to have a spacious playground with large expanses of grass as well as hardtop surfaces for games. There are a number of pavement games painted on the surface. The yard includes a smaller field, a basketball court, and an area shaded by mature trees.
Several memorial trees enhance the front of the school and we enjoy a beautiful front garden and interior courtyard that are maintained by staff and volunteers.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Glen Cairn Public School offers the Regular English program, Middle French Immersion and Early French Immersion.
Classroom Organization
GCPS classes are organized in both straight and split grades.
Glen Cairn offers an integrated approach to special education support for students who require it. This means that special education teachers provide specialized support within the regular classroom. English Language Learners also receive support within the regular classroom.
We are also home to a Grade 7 and 8 Behaviour Intervention Program class.
Clubs and Activities
Glen Cairn staff organizes and supervises a multi-faceted sports program for boys and girls including such sports as soccer, cross-country running, touch football, basketball, volleyball, badminton and track and field. Teams representing Glen Cairn participate in area tournaments. Students are offered an opportunity to participate in outdoor winter activities such as snowshoeing and sledding. Students Council provides a forum for student voice at Glen Cairn PS. Class representatives meet regularly and propose activities to promote school spirit and responsible citizenship.
A broad range of interest clubs engage students during our breaks. These include STEAM Club, Dungeons and Dragons Club, Baking Club, Writing Club Handbell Choir and ECO Club.
Safe Schools Initiatives
A number of initiatives promote a safe and caring school environment. We are excited to partner with the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre to bring a comprehensive bullying prevention program to the school. The committee includes staff members, parents and community members. Our website features an anonymous online bullying reporting tool used by students and parents to support our safe school initiatives.
All of our staff have also been trained in the Third Path. A relationship-based approach to student well being and achievement. Following the Third Path means focusing on the student-educator relationship first. Caring, intentional and responsive relationships are at the heart of learning and growth.
Our teachers use progressive discipline and restorative practices in their efforts to promote appropriate behavior. Where required, students are asked to reflect on a poor decision and with guidance, identify a more appropriate behavior.