On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, the recreational use of cannabis for adults (age 19 or over) will become legal in Ontario but cannabis will remain strictly prohibited for all youth (under the age of 19). While there are changes for the over age 19 population in terms of their access to and use of recreational cannabis outside of school, the possession, use, or distribution of cannabis products and/or being under the influence of cannabis remains strictly prohibited at school (and all school related activities) regardless of age.
1. Cannabis has been aligned with alcohol in all OCDSB policies and procedures.
- Anywhere a student would have intervention, support, and/or consequences for possession, consumption, or distribution of alcohol, or for being under the influence of alcohol, the same now apply for cannabis.
- Paraphernalia related to the use of cannabis is likewise prohibited at school and can be addressed as being contrary to the Board or school code of conduct.
- The use of cannabis at school is strictly prohibited and may be reflective of a significant problem. The involvement of parents, school supports, and external partners like Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services and/or Ottawa Police Services, may be used to help students realize the significance of the concern.
2. Communication and supports are available.
- A poster, showing a summary of the changes to the laws, and an Ottawa Public Health (OPH) fact sheet for students will be posted at Glen Cairn to ensure student awareness.
- Information for parents and educators is being developed by Ottawa Public Health with support from school districts and partners. This will be distributed by Communications and Information Services once they are completed.
- The negative impacts of cannabis use on youth should be a key element of any discussion with students. More information can be found here: Cannabis Information For Parents
- Rideauwood continues to be the primary partner to support students in our District dealing with use/abuse issues.