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Glen Cairn Phoenix Nest - A DRAGON'S DEN Inspired Event

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What would you do with $1000 to enhance our school?

Students are encouraged to participate in our inaugural event by developing an idea on how to spend $1,000 to enhance GCPS!  The Phoenix Nest idea is a great example of an initiative that encourages student creativity and one that encourages the entrepreneurial spirit. Students can work alone or in a team of up to 4 people. Submission Packages are available in the office, on every Google Classroom, and a PDF version is attached here Project Submission

Their idea should:

  • Benefit a large number of students,
  • Solve a problem or meet a need in the school,  
  • Be enjoyed over a period of time beyond the current school year.  


March 4th, 2025 Project Submission: Student Ideas packages are due in the office by 3:45 p.m.

March 5th, 2025: Pre-screening Committee will review all submissions

March 6th, 2025: An announcement will be made regarding which projects will move forward

March 24th, 2025: Panel Presentations

March 25th, 2025: Winning Project Announced. 

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